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Doubles and Near Doubles Bump

The object of the game is to be the first player to place all ten game markers. This is a game for two players.



  1. Player 1 spins the Number Spinner and the Doubles Spinner. For example, Player 1 spins a 7 and Doubles −1.
  2. Player 1 then uses the spins to find the sum and place a game marker on the sum on the game board.
  3. Next, Player 2 takes a turn, repeating the same steps. If there is a game marker on the sum, he or she can "bump" the other player's marker. One player removes the other player's marker from the number and places one of his or her game markers on that sum.
  4. If either player places two markers on a sum, the sum is locked and the markers cannot be bumped.
  5. Players take turns until one player places all ten of his or her game markers on the board. This player is the winner.