Floor Tiler
The object of the game is to be the first player to fill his or her grid paper with rectangles. This game can be played by two to four players.

- Spinners 1–4 and 1–10 in the Student Activity Book
- A clear plastic spinner or a paper clip and pencil
sheet of Floor Tiler Grid Paper in the Student Activity Book
- Crayon or marker
- Scissors
- The first player makes two spins so that he or she has two numbers. The player may either spin one spinner twice or spin each spinner once.
- The player must then find the product of the two numbers he or she spun. The product is the answer to a multiplication problem. For example, 3 4 = 12. 12 is the product.
- After finding the product, the player colors in a rectangle with that number of grid squares on the grid paper. He or she can use any two factors of the product to make a rectangle, not just the facts on the spinner.
For example, the player might use the factors on the spinner and color in 3 rows of 4 squares for a total of 12 squares. But the player can also think of other factors of 12, such as 2 rows of 6 squares or 1 row of 12 squares. (Remember, the squares colored in must connect so that they form a rectangle.) - Once the player has made his or her rectangle, the player draws an outline around it and writes its number sentence inside. For example, a player who colored in 3 rows of 4 squares would write “3 4 = 12.” A player who used the factors 2 and 6 would write “2 6 = 12.”
- Players take turns spinning and filling in their grids.
- If a player is unable to fill in a rectangle for his or her spin, that player loses the turn, and the next player takes a turn.
- The first player to completely fill in his or her grid paper wins the game.