least common
The answer or number that occurs the fewest amount of times in a dataset.
pages 10, 23
left/right axis
The horizontal (x) axis on a coordinate grid.
(See also front/back axis.)
pages 324, 326
The amount left after a number is divided into equal groups.
(See also remainder.)
pages 62–63
The distance from end to end of an object.
pages 28, 103, 110, 114, 211, 310, 314, 319
less than
Not as many or as much as (e.g., 5 is less than 8 or 5 < 8).
pages 84–85, 247, 251, 254–255
To make even. For example, before using a two-pan balance, you must level the pans so one is not higher than the other.
pages 348–349, 402, 408, 410, 412
likely event
Something that will probably happen.
pages 6, 11, 21
line of symmetry
A line is a line of symmetry for a shape if the two parts match exactly when the shape is folded along this line.
page 307
line plot
A way of representing data on a number line that shows frequency of an event using a symbol, such as an X.
line symmetry
A figure has line symmetry if it has at least one line of symmetry.
page 307
Metric unit used to measure volume. A liter is a little more than a quart. There are about 4 liters in a gallon.
page 401