Start, Hop, Stop!

The object of the game is to move a decimal hopper from the start point to the stop point with the fewest hops. Any number of people can play.


  • Start, Hop, Stop! Spinners page in the Student Activity Book
  • Start, Hop, Stop! Game 1 and Game 2 pages in the Student Activity Book
  • paper clip
  • pencil (1 per player)


  1. One player spins the Ones Digit spinner and the Tenths Digit spinner.
  2. Players write the decimal number in the Start column of Turn #1 on their game pages.
  3. The same player spins the Ones Digit spinner and the Tenths Digit spinner a second time.
  4. Players record this decimal number in the Stop column on their game pages.
  5. Each player finds a path for a hopper from the start number to the stop number using as few hops as possible. Hops must follow the rules for decimal hoppers: move 1 or 0.1 in one hop. Hoppers can move right or left.
  6. Each player records the following on the game page for each turn:
    • The start number and the stop number
    • A drawing of the hops on the number line
    • The total number of the player's hops for that turn
    • A number sentence that shows how the hopper moved
  7. Players check each other's hops and number sentences.
  8. Repeat the steps for each turn. Play continues for 4 turns. Alternate which player spins for each turn.
  9. Each player adds the total number of hops for all 4 turns. The player with the fewest total hops is the winner.

Example Turn