Writing Numbers in Words

Whole Numbers

10 tenaudio
11 elevenaudio
12 twelveaudio
13 thirteenaudio
14 fourteenaudio
15 fifteenaudio
16 sixteenaudio
17 seventeenaudio
18 eighteenaudio
19 nineteenaudio
20 twentyaudio
30 thirtyaudio
40 fortyaudio
50 fiftyaudio
60 sixtyaudio
70 seventyaudio
80 eightyaudio
90 ninetyaudio
100 one hundredaudio
1,000 one thousandaudio
10,000 ten thousandaudio
100,000 one hundred thousandaudio
1,000,000 one millionaudio
1,000,000,000 one billionaudio


  • 45 is written forty-five.audio
  • 312 is written three hundred twelve.audio
  • 8542 is written eight thousand, five hundred forty-two.audio
  • 2076 is written two thousand, seventy-six.audio
  • 6,507,321,000 is written six billion, five hundred seven million, three hundred twenty-one thousand.audio

Fractions and Decimals

halfaudio halvesaudio
thirdaudio thirdsaudio
fourthaudio fourthsaudio
fifthaudio fifthsaudio
sixthaudio sixthsaudio
eighthaudio eighthsaudio
tenthaudio tenthsaudio
twelfthaudio twelfthsaudio
hundredthaudio hundredthsaudio


  • 3
    is written three-fourths.audio
  • 2
    is written two-halves.audio
  • 0.05 is written five-hundredths.audio
  • 3.2 is written three and two-tenths.audio
  • 3.25 is written three and twenty-five hundredths.audio