Aunt Penny wants a helipad included in the Antopolis airport also. Myrna agrees, but tells her aunt that only 24 inches of wire (for perimeter lights) can be allowed for the helipad. Myrna also says that the helipad must be a rectangle built with square-inch tiles.
    1. Using square-inch tiles, find all the possible helipads with a perimeter of 24 inches. Be sure your helipads are rectangles.
    2. Sketch each helipad on a piece of paper showing the length, width, and area.
    3. Make a data table to keep track of all your different rectangles and their measurements including area.
    4. Penny wants the helipad to have the largest possible area. Which one of your helipads should she choose?
    5. Explain how you know your helipad has the largest possible area.
    6. Describe the shape of the helipad in Question 4 with the largest area.
    7. Describe the shape of the helipad in Question 4 with the smallest area.

Check-In: Question 5

    1. The airport wants an even larger helipad. Myrna decided to build one with a perimeter of 36 inches. Design a helipad with the largest possible area for Myrna.
    2. Write a paragraph explaining how you solved this problem. Tell how you know your helipad has the largest possible area.