Check-In: Questions 30–33

  1. Seven boys each have 1 little brother. How many little brothers do they have altogether? Write a number sentence to match your solution.
  2. Five girls each have 0 problems left to do on their homework. How many problems do they have left to do altogether? Write a number sentence.
  3. Jackie collects $1.00 dues each week from the girls in her Brownie troop. This week she collected $14.00. How many girls paid dues? Write a number sentence.
  4. Joe Smart said, “Here is a rectangle with 4 rows and 10 tiles in each row. That's 4 10 = 40 tiles.” Moe Smart said, “My rectangle has 10 rows and 4 tiles in each row. I can skip count by tens to find how many tiles are in my rectangle.”
    Joe said, “You don't need to skip count. You can use the turn-around rule.”
    What does Joe mean? Explain using words and number sentences.
  1. How many dimes are in 90 cents?
  2. How many nickels are in 30 cents?
  3. Write a story to show 81 ÷ 9. Draw a picture to go with your story and write a number sentence. Write the other number sentences in this fact family.
  4. Show two ways you can have 25 cents if you have only dimes and nickels.
  5. Show three ways you can have 40 cents if you have only dimes and nickels.
  6. Chewy Candies come in packs of five candies. Irma has 3 packs, Michael has 5 packs, Romesh has 1 pack, and Jessie has no packs.
    1. How many candies does each student have? Write a number sentence for each student.
    2. How many candies do they have altogether?
  7. Jacob has 60 cents and needs $1.00 for a show. How many more dimes does he need to make $1.00?
  8. A pack of Chewy Candies costs 15 cents. How many packs can you buy with $1.00? Explain your solution.