- After finding the product, the player colors in a rectangle with that number of grid squares on the grid paper. He or she can use any two factors of the product to make a rectangle, not just the facts on the spinner.
For example, the player might use the factors on the spinner and color in 3 rows of 4 squares for a total of 12 squares. But the player can also think of other factors of 12, such as 2 rows of 6 squares or 1 row of 12 squares. (Remember, the squares colored in must connect so that they form a rectangle.) - Once the player has made his or her rectangle, the player draws an outline around it and writes its number sentence inside. For example, a player who colored in 3 rows of 4 squares would write “3 4 = 12.” A player who used the factors 2 and 6 would write “2 6 = 12.”
- Players take turns spinning and filling in their grids.
- If a player is unable to fill in a rectangle for his or her spin, that player loses the turn, and the next player takes a turn.
- The first player to fill in his or her grid paper completely wins the game.