1. When you find a product like 3 4 5, you can multiply only two numbers at a time. It does not matter which two you multiply first. Multiply the following at least two different ways.
    1. 2 2 3 =
    2. 2 3 3 =
  2. Find the products. You may use mental math, a calculator, or your multiplication tables.
    1. 2 2 5 =
    2. 2 3 5 =
    3. 3 3 3 =
    4. 2 5 5 =
    5. 4 4 5 =
    6. 4 3 2 =
    7. 3 1 8 =
    8. 5 9 0 =
Sometimes changing the order of your numbers makes it easier to solve the problem using mental math. Jessie and Frank multiplied 3 6 5 using two different methods.

Frank shows how changing the order of numbers can make it easier to find products of larger factors. Frank multiplied 20 4 this way.