Mrs. Dewey showed another way to write Nicholas's solution. She used a factor tree. The picture shows Mrs. Dewey's factor tree.

She factored 24 into 3 8. She circled the 3 because it cannot be factored anymore (it is prime). She factored 8 into 4 2 and circled the 2 because it is prime. She factored 4 into 2 2 and circled the 2s. She multiplied the circled numbers and got the same answer as Nicholas: 24 = 3 2 2 2.

Nila decided to use a factor tree to show her solution. She factored 24 into 6 4. She decided not to write the multiplication signs in her factor tree. That was O.K.

She factored 6 into 2 3 and 4 into 2 2. She circled the 2s and the 3 because they are prime. They cannot be factored anymore.

She multiplied the prime numbers she circled and got:
24 = 2 3 2 2.

Nila's answer was the same as Nicholas's, even though her factor tree was different.

  1. John started the following factor tree for 24. Continue building his tree until all the numbers are prime. What factorization of 24 does your tree give you?
  2. Complete the following factor trees for 36. Write 36 as a product of its prime factors.