Nila used the rectangle method to check John's solution in Question 6.
- Draw the rectangle. Write the partial products in the smaller rectangles.
- Are your partial products the same as in John's method?
- What answer do you get using the rectangle method?
- Frank used the expanded form to check John's solution in Question 6.
- Irma used the all-partials method to solve the problem 87 32. Copy the problem and fill in the missing digits in her work. Complete the problem. Show where each of the partial products comes from. Follow John's example in Question 6.
- Roberto solved the problem 47 52 using the all-partials method.
- Is Roberto's answer of 329 reasonable? Explain why or why not.
- Copy the problem and show where each of the correct partial products comes from. Show the correct answer.
- What did Roberto do wrong?
Finish Frank's work.