1. Use Nicholas's method to multiply 70 30. Use Alexis's or Nila's method to justify your answer.
  2. Use Nicholas's method to multiply 20 50. Use Irma's rectangle method to justify your answer.
    1. Use Nicholas's method to solve 40 50.
    2. How many zeros are in your answer? Use one of the three methods above to justify your answer.
  3. Find the following sets of products using any method you choose. Look for patterns as you solve the problems. Check your work on a calculator.
  4. Find n to make the number sentence true.
    1. 60 n = 420
    2. 60 n = 4200
    3. n 70 = 560
    4. n 70 = 5600
    5. 9 n = 5400
    6. 90 n = 5400
  5. Show or tell how you solved Question 10F.

Use the Self-Check Questions in the Student Activity Book to continue to check your progress with multiplication concepts. Then use the menus to choose which problems to solve in the workshop.