1. Solve 74 23 using Frank's “combination” method.
    2. How is Frank's method like Nicholas's? How are the methods different?
  1. Here is another problem where Nicholas used the compact method.
    1. Why did Nicholas put a 3 above the problem?
    2. How did Nicholas get a 9 in the tens column of the first partial product?
    3. How did Nicholas get the 4 in the tens column and the 0 in the ones column of the second partial product?
    4. Why did Nicholas put a 5 above the problem?
    5. How did Nicholas get a 9 in the hundreds column in the second partial product?
    6. Solve Nicholas's problem using either the all-partials method or the expanded-form method.
    7. How do the partial products in Nicholas's compact method compare to the partial products in your solution?

Compute the problems below using the compact method. Solve each problem a second way using either a rectangle model, the all-partials method, or the expanded-form method. If you get two different answers, look for your mistake and correct it.

  1. 34 79
  2. 27 82
  3. 42 28

Check-In: Questions 19–20

    1. Estimate the product of 49 33.
    2. Will your estimate be higher or lower than the exact answer?
    3. Solve the problem using the compact method.
    4. Check your work by solving the same problem a different way.
  1. Jerome visited a children's museum that had a city made of snap-together blocks. The fire station was made of 53 packets of small blocks and 49 boxes of large blocks. There are 42 blocks in a packet of small blocks and 12 blocks in a box of large blocks. How many blocks did it take to build the fire station? Show or tell how you solved the problem.