Barrier Reef
The object of the game is to find your opponent's objects before he or she finds yours. Players take turns strategically guessing the location of the opponent's objects. This is a game for 2 players and a moderator.
- Four-Quadrant Grid Paper Master to make a Barrier Reef Game Board
- One sheet of paper to make a data table
- A folder or barrier to shield your game board from your opponent's

- Each player needs to prepare a Barrier Reef Game Board on a copy of a Four-Quadrant Grid Paper Master. Draw shapes to “hide” a group of objects in the reef: a pod of whales (5 points), a shipwreck (4 points), migrating turtles (3 points), and a flock of birds (2 points). See Player 1's board. Each group of objects can be hidden either horizontally or vertically.
- Each player makes a three-column data table to record guesses and sightings. Guesses are also recorded on the game board itself. On the grid, mark down S for “sighting” and M for “miss.” See Player 2's data table.
- The moderator sits at the sides of the players. Player 1 begins by guessing a coordinate where the “hidden” object might be and records the ordered pair on the data table. Player 2 says either “miss” if there is no object sighted or “sighting” and the type of object that has been sighted. For example, if Player 2 guesses (−1, 0), then Player 1 must say “sighting, a pod of whales.” Player 2 should record the coordinates in the data table and write “whales” in the “sighting” column.
- If Player 1 records a sighting, his or her turn continues. If not, it becomes Player 2's turn. The first player to correctly identify all the coordinates of all the opponent's objects wins the game.
- The moderator then plays the winner and the loser becomes the moderator.