Lesson 3

Kind of Bean

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Answers will vary based on the time. Work with a demonstration clock and ask students to work with their individual clocks. Ask students to show the position of the hands for each of the times given in the problems. Ask students to describe the position of each hand, paying particular attention to the position of the hour hand.


Designate a starting time so student strategies and solutions can be easily compared.

I. What Time Is It Now?

  1. What time is it now? Give your answer to the nearest half hour.
  2. Use your answer to Question 1 to answer the following:
    1. What time was it an hour ago?
    2. What time was it half an hour ago?
    3. What time will it be an hour from now?
    4. What time will it be in half an hour?