Lesson 9

Multiples of Tens and Hundreds

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. 5:10
  2. 5:20
  3. 20 minutes
  4. 7:30
  5. 8:35

HH. What Time Is It?

Solve the following problems. Use your individual clock.

  1. Kim met Tara at the park after school. They got there at 3:40 and stayed for 11/2 hours. What time did they leave the park?
  2. It took Kim ten minutes to ride her bike home from the park. What time did she get home?
  3. Tara got home from the park at 5:30. How long did it take her to ride her bike home?
  4. After dinner Kim spent 45 minutes doing her homework. She finished eating dinner at 6:45. What time did she finish her homework?
  5. Tara got ready for bed at 8:15. She read for 20 minutes before turning off her light to go to sleep. What time did Tara turn off her light?