Lesson 4

Multiplication and Rectangles

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Use this DPP item to practice multiplication facts for the 5s and 10s.

  1. 70¢
    1. 7 nickels
    2. Students should list at least 3 of the following five other ways:

      5 dimes and 1 nickel

      4 dimes and 3 nickels

      3 dimes and 5 nickels

      1 dime and 9 nickels

      0 dimes and 11 nickels

L. Nickels and Dimes

You may use real or pretend money to help you solve the following problems.

  1. What is the total value of 6 nickels and 4 dimes?
    1. The total value of 55¢ is made up of 2 dimes and how many nickels?
    2. Name three other ways you can make 55¢ using only nickels and dimes.