Daily Practice and Problems

The Daily Practice and Problems (DPP) is a set of short exercises that provides a structure for ongoing review and study of math concepts, skills, and math facts. To support this daily routine, at least two DPP items are included for each class session. The first item is always a Bit and the others will be either Tasks, Challenges, or Bits. Nine icons designate the subject matter of the DPP items.

Math Facts
Number Sense

Problem of the Week. Two DPP items that can serve as the Problem of the Week are identified for this unit. Problems of the Week will always be a Task or a Challenge. Having students work on one problem throughout the week allows time for them to reflect on the strategies they are developing. At the end of the week, students can share their strategies. The following DPP items in this unit can serve as Problems of the Week.

Unit 8 Daily Practice Problems A–JJ

Choose a practice problem here
A Subtraction Flash Cards:
Groups 5 and 6
B Addition and Subtraction
C Fives and Tens D Guess My Number E Subtraction Facts:
Groups 5 and 6
F Addition and Subtraction
G More Fives and Tens H Multiplication Stories I Fact Families:
Groups 5 and 6
J Multiplication and
K Subtraction Facts:
Groups 5 and 6 Again
L Nickels and Dimes M Handy Facts N Multiplication Strategies O Subtraction Flash Cards:
Groups 7 and 8
P How Much and How Many? Q Subtraction Facts:
Groups 7 and 8
R More Nickels and Dimes S Fact Families:
Groups 7 and 8
T A Product of 36 U Addition and Subtraction V Lizardland W Subtraction Facts:
Groups 7 and 8 Again
X Constant Hoppers Y Fact Families Z More Guess My Number AA Multiples on the Calendar BB Multiplication Number
CC Multiplication: 5s and 10s DD More Addition and
Subtraction Practice
EE Counting by Fives FF Counting Change GG Multiplication Facts:
0s and 1s
HH What Time Is It? II Fact Families:
5s and 10s
JJ Function Machines DPP Teacher Notes

Students will need: individual clocks, counters, coins, number lines, a monthly calendar, Addition Strategies Menu, Subtraction Strategies Menu, Subtraction Facts I Know chart, Subtraction Flash Cards for Groups 5–8, and Multiplication Facts I Know chart.

Practice of the Subtraction and Multiplication Facts

Some DPPs focus on the development of the multiplication and subtraction math facts. See Figures 1 and 2. See the Letter Home for more specifics about the math facts strategies developed in the DPPs in this unit.

Unit DPP Subtraction Facts Group Strategies Used Focus
2 1 and 2 Using Tens, Thinking Addition Development of mental strategies and number sense
3 3 and 4 Making Tens, Thinking Addition
4 5 and 6 Counting Up,
Counting Back,
or Thinking Addition
5 7 and 8 Using Doubles, Thinking Addition
6 Review all Use strategies fluently
7 Review Groups 1–4
8 A, E, I, K, O, Q, S, W Review Groups 5–8

Figure 1: Development of subtraction math facts in Grade 3 and in this unit

For information on the specific tools and strategies used to practice and assess the subtraction facts in Grade 3, see the Lesson Guide for Unit 2 Lesson 8 Assessing the Subtraction Facts.

Unit DPP Mulitplication Facts Group Focus
3 5s and 10s Development of mental strategies and number sense
4 2s and 3s
5 Square Numbers
6 9s
7 Last Six Facts
8 C, G, H, L, M, N, P, R, X, Y, Z, BB, CC, II, JJ 5s and 10s Use strategies fluently
9 2s and 3s
10 Square Numbers
11 9s
12 Last Six Facts
13 Last Six Facts

Figure 2: Development of multiplication math facts in Grade 3 and in this unit

Multiples on the Calendar. In Unit 3 Lesson 5, students used the calendar to explore multiples and factors. Continue to make this part of your daily routine by asking students to write a number sentence for each day using the factor for that month. For example, if 6 is the factor for this month, students might write January 3 × 6 + 3 for January 21st.