Lesson 3

Circle Pieces: Red, Pink, Orange, Aqua

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Use the Fraction Challenge pages in the Student Activity Book to conduct a discussion using rectangles that reviews the concepts developed with circle pieces. Assign Questions 1 and 2. Students divide a 3 by 4 rectangle into thirds and sixths. Possible divisions are shown in Figures 9 and 10.

Ask volunteers to share their solutions using a display. Then have the class decide if the rectangles do indeed show thirds and sixths.

  • Does [student name]'s rectangle show thirds? How do you know? (Possible response using Rectangle B in Figure 9: it shows thirds because there are three equal parts.)
  • Do you agree that [student name]'s showed three equal a parts? Show me using the rectangle. (Possible response: Here are the three parts. [Points to the three divisions.] Each part has the same area—the same number of little squares—so they are the same size.)

Assign Question 3, and then ask students to tell how they arrived at their answers. They should be able to use the same language as they did to answer Questions 1 and 2 to justify their responses.

Assign Question 4 to review fractions greater than one. As students complete the problems, remind them that the unit whole is the 3-by-4 rectangle at the top of the problem. Students may either respond with mixed numbers or improper fractions.

Assign the More Fraction Rectangles Homework pages in the Student Activity Book after students have completed the Fraction Challenge pages.

Ask students to use the circle pieces to complete the Parts and Wholes Quiz Assessment Master.

Use the Parts and Wholes Quiz Assessment Master with Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to meet the following Expectations:

  • Represent fractions using circle pieces and drawings [E1].
  • Use words and numbers to name fractions [E2].
  • Recognize that fractional parts of a unit whole may be different shapes but must be the same size [E3].
  • Recognize that the same fractional parts of different-size unit wholes are not equal [E4].
  • Partition shapes by a given unit fraction [E6].
  • Identify the unit whole when given a fractional part of a whole [E7].
Dividing rectangles into thirds
Dividing rectangles into sixths