Lesson 6

Walking Around Shapes

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Have a collection of coins available.

  1. $4.00 in dimes is the same as 40 dimes. Each member receives 6 dimes or 60¢; 4 dimes or 40¢ are left over.
  2. The four dimes can be traded in for 8 nickels. Each person could receive one nickel. Two nickels remain. If the nickles are traded for pennies, each person could receive one penny. Four pennies would be left over. Each family member receives 6¢ more, 1 nickle and 1 penny.

R. Money Jar

The Franklins saved $4.00 in dimes. They have 6 people in the family.

  1. If they share the dimes equally, how much money will each family member receive?
  2. Can the Franklins trade in the leftover dimes for other coins so they can share the leftover money? How much more money will each family member receive? Explain.