Lesson 7

Katie's Job

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Encourage students to use the Addition Strategies Menu and Subtraction Strateggies Menu in the Reference section of the Student Guide.

  1. 906
  2. 63
  3. 11,805
  4. 2505
  5. Possible strategy: Students might realize that 2495 is almost half of 5000. If they count up five, they can make use of that information.
    2495 + 5 = 2500
    2500 + 2500 = 5000
    5 + 2500 = 2505
    Another possible strategy:

    2504 + 1 = 2505
  6. Answers will vary. Possible response:
    400 + 500 = 900
    900 is close to 906, so my answer is reasonable.

X. Addition and Subtraction Practice

Complete the following problems. Use the Addition Strategies Menu and Subtraction Strategies Menu.

  1. Show or tell how to solve Question 4 using mental math or a few quick notes.
  2. Explain how you decided that your answer to Question 1 is reasonable.