Daily Practice and Problems

The Daily Practice and Problems (DPP) is a set of short exercises that provides a structure for ongoing review and study of math concepts, skills, and math facts. To support this daily routine, at least two DPP items are included for each class session. The first item for a lesson is always a Bit and the others will be either Tasks, Challenges, or Bits. Nine icons designate the subject matter of the DPP items.

Math Facts
Number Sense

Unit 1 Daily Practice Problems A–X

Choose a practice problem here
A Using Mental Math to
Add and Subtract
B Problem Solving at the
Amusement Park
C Addition Review 1 D Name that Number E Addition Review 2 F Multiplication Strategies G Purchasing Shoes H Variables and Values I Median Time J Coins in a Pocket K Skip Counting L Estimation M Subtraction Review 1 N Counting Pennies O Practice Mental Math
P What's for Lunch Q Play Digits Game R Selling Cookies S Subtraction Review 2 T Median Height and
U Play Digits Game Again V Addition and Subtraction W 100 More or Less X Using Line Plots DPP Teacher Notes

Students will need: calculators, Centimeter Grid Paper , the Multiplication Table, Addition Strategies Menu, Subtraction Strategies Menu, and the Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section readily available.

Problem of the Week

A DPP item that can serve as the Problem of the Week will be identified for every week of the unit and will always be a Task or a Challenge. The intention is that students be given a problem that allows time for thoughtful consideration of the strategies they are developing. Such a problem may require more reflection, maybe some trial and error, and may not be immediately solvable at first glance. At the end of the week, students can share their strategies. The following DPP items in this unit can each serve as a Problem of the Week:

Challenge B in Lesson 1
Challenge L in Lesson 3