Assign the Homework section of the Eyelets Lab pages in the Student Guide as students are completing the lab. To complete this homework, students are asked interpret Eyelets graphs from three schools with differing populations.
Students may complete any of the Explore questions not finished in class as homework.
Assign Home Practice Parts 1–2. Students practice identifying variables and values for investigations in Home Practice Part 1. This can be assigned after Part 1 of the lesson. Students practice finding the median for different data sets in Home Practice Part 2. This can be assigned as students are working on the Eyelets Lab pages in the Student Guide.
Assign DPP items A–F. For DPP Bit A, students use mental math strategies to identify the unknown in addition and subtraction problems. In DPP Bits C and E, students choose strategies to solve addition problems. Students solve a number riddle in DPP Task D. Students use strategies to solve multidigit multiplication problems in DPP Task F.
Use DPP Task B as a Problem of the Week. Students solve multistep problems.