Lesson 6

Order of Operations with Exponents

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Write the following number sentences on a display.

1 + 10 × 10 ÷ 102 = ?
    4 + 32 × 5 − 2 = ?

Ask students to complete the number sentences. After the class agrees on a response, ask students to add parentheses to change the meaning of the number sentences. Gather and discuss a few student responses.

Ask students to complete the Rachel's Problems Assessment Masters independently.

Use the Rachel's Problems Assessment Masters with Feedback Box the Teacher Guide to assess students' abilities to use variables in formulas to represent number patterns and making predictions [E4]; find the prime factorization of a number [E6]; and use the order of operations to make calculations that involve exponents and the use of parentheses [E7].

The Operation Target game can be used as targeted practice.
