Lesson 4

Mass vs. Volume: Proportions and Density

Est. Class Sessions: 4–5

Summarizing the Lesson

Discuss Solution Strategies. Select student groups to share their solution strategies for the problems posed in Questions 22–23 so that a discussion brings out the diversity of solutions.

Read “Archimedes and the King's Gold Crown.” After the discussion, have students read the story of Archimedes and the King's Gold Crown in the Student Guide. This well-known story tells how Archimedes used density to prove that the King's crown was not pure gold.

  • What did Archimedes discover in the tub? (a way to find volume by displacement)
  • How would Archimedes know if the goldsmith had substituted some silver for gold in the crown? (the volume would be different)
  • What did Archimedes find out when he compared the densities of the materials? (The crown had a different density than that of gold, so it must have had silver in it.)