1. Chris has $2.00. Can he buy both books by Roald Dahl and Fudge-a-mania? Why or why not?
  2. Carla has $3.00. She wants to buy the two books by Beverly Cleary and Amazing Grace. Does she have enough money? Why or why not?
  3. Liz has $4.00. She wants to buy the books listed below. Does she have enough money? Why or why not?
    Charlotte's Web Mr. Popper's Penguins
    Superfudge Fudge-a-mania
    James and the Giant Peach Children of the Fire
  4. Check your solution to Question 7 by using a different strategy.
  5. Kim has $2.50. If she buys Children of the Fire and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, how many Little House books can she buy?
  6. Pretend you are going to the book sale. Use the Price List to write your own problem about buying books.

Check-In: Question 11

  1. If you had $5.00, which books would you buy? Make a list. Then describe how you made your choices. Tell how you know that you will have enough money. You can use pictures, words, or number sentences.