1. Mara looks at her watch. It says 11:30 AM. “Let's meet for lunch in an hour and a half,” says her cousin. What time will they meet for lunch? Is it AM or PM?
    2. Everyone was on time for lunch. They finish eating at 2:05 PM. How long was their lunch?
  1. The aquarium shows a movie. Show times are at 3:00 PM, 4:15 PM, and 5:30 PM. Each movie is 30 minutes long. How much time is there between the end of one movie and the beginning of the next movie?
  2. Mara is going to meet her aunt at a restaurant at 5:30 PM. It is a 17-minute walk from the aquarium to the restaurant. What time should she leave the aquarium to be on time?
    1. Mara checks her watch as she leaves the restaurant. It is 6:52 PM. She walks 7 minutes to the bus stop and waits 8 minutes for the bus. What time did she get on the bus?
    2. Mara gets off the bus near her grandmother's apartment at 7:39 PM. How long was the bus ride?

Check-In: Questions 13–15

  1. It is time for Mara's family to return home. Their flight leaves at 8:10 AM and is scheduled to arrive at 10:32 AM. How long is the flight?
  2. At the airport, Mara's family arrives at the gate 70 minutes before the 8:10 AM flight. What time did they arrive at the gate? Explain how you solved the problem.
  3. A neighbor picks up Mara's family at the airport at 11:26 AM and drives them home. The car ride takes 34 minutes. What time did they arrive home? Explain how you solved the problem.
  4. Write and solve your own time story problems.
    1. Write a problem with a start time and an end time. Ask how long the event was.
    2. Write a problem that tells the start time and how long the event was. Ask what time the event ended.