Check-In: Questions 13–15

  1. Each day for a week, students in Room 204 recorded the temperature outside at noon in degrees Fahrenheit (F). The data is recorded in the table below.
    1. Find the mean temperature. Show your calculator keystrokes. Give your answer to the nearest whole degree.
    2. Find the median temperature.
  2. In the first six soccer games of the season, Jackie's team scored 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, and 2 goals.
    1. Find the mean number of goals.
    2. Find the median number of goals.
    3. Look back. Do your answers make sense? Are the averages you found typical scores for Jackie's team?
  3. Each week a fourth-grade class has a test on 20 spelling words. A student got 13 right the first week, 19 right the second week, 12 right the third week, 20 right the fourth week, and 11 right the fifth week.
    1. On average, how many words did the student get right?
    2. Did you use the median or the mean? Why?

Use the Practice Finding Means pages in the Student Activity Book for more practice finding the mean.