Three in a Row

This is a game for two players. The goal is to have three markers in a row.


  • 1 calculator per player
  • 8–10 game markers or tokens of one color or shape for each player
  • 1 Three in a Row Game Board in the Student Activity Book per student pair


  1. Player 1 selects two factors from the factor frame and finds their product with a calculator or with paper and pencil. He or she may select two different factors or use the same factor twice.
  2. One of the player's markers is placed on the product board on the square with the number that is closest to the product of the two factors.
  3. Player 2 chooses two factors and follows the same steps described above.
  4. Two markers may not occupy the same space.
  5. The game continues until one player has three markers in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.