Ratios can be written as fractions. To compare feet and yards, we can write the ratio . We can write number sentences using fractions that show ratios are equal. When the fractions are equal, the ratios are equal:

  1. Complete the following number sentence: .

You can also compare feet to yards by looking at the ratio of yards to feet. For example:

  1. Using fractions, write two other ratios that are equal to .
  2. Using fractions, write two other ratios that are equal to .
  3. Ninety feet of crepe paper are needed to decorate one wall of the gym. How many yards are needed to decorate that wall?
  4. Frank decided to decorate each booth with 10 lengths of ribbon. Each length of ribbon is 3 yards long. How many feet of ribbon are needed to decorate each booth?
  5. Edward and Frank decided to sell 1 cookie for 15¢.
    1. Are the following two ratios equal? Why or why not?
    2. Add a point to the graph you made for Question 5 that shows that 1 cookie costs 15¢. Is this point on your line? Why or why not?
  6. Using fractions, write two ratios that are equal to .
  7. Using fractions, write two ratios equal to .


Use the Cost of Brownies pages in the Student Activity Book to practice using ratios.