Check-In: Questions 8–10

  1. Levi's number line shows the hops for the +3 hopper.
    1. Write an addition number sentence to show the hops.
    2. Write a multiplication number sentence to show hops.
    3. Show or tell how the number sentences in Questions A and B are similar.
  2. Mara's number line shows that a constant hopper made 5 hops before it landed on 25.
    1. What kind of constant hopper did Mara use?
    2. Write a number sentence to show the hops on Mara's number line.
    3. If Mara's constant hopper makes one more hop on the number line where will it land?
  3. Jason's number line shows where a +6 hopper will land in 3 hops. Jason said the next number his hopper will land on will be 26. Natasha said it will land on 24.
    1. Decide who is correct. Show or tell how you decided.
    2. Write a number sentence to show where a +6 hopper will land after 4 hops.

Use the Professor Peabody's Constant Hoppers Homework page in the Student Activity Book for more practice with constant hoppers.