Using Strategies to Complete the Table
- Look at the facts that you still need to complete your My Multiplication Table from Lessons 3 and 4. Talk with a partner about some strategies you could use to figure out the facts.
Here are two students' strategies for multiplying 4 6:

Kim explained her rectangle, “I broke the big rectangle for 6 4 into two parts. The top part shows that 5 rows with 4 tiles in each row is 20 tiles. Then to get 6 rows, I just add on one more row of 4 tiles. 20 + 4 = 24. So 6 rows will have 24 tiles. 6 4 = 24.”
- Complete your multiplication table using any strategy. When you find a fact, you can also record its turn-around fact. For 4 6 the turn-around fact is 6 4.