- In June there were 15 dimes.
- How much money did each person get?
- How much money did they put back in the jar?
- Is there a way to divide the money that was returned to the jar? (Hint: The dimes may be traded for other coins.)
Check-In: Questions 11–12
- In July there were 19 dimes and 19 pennies.
- How much money did each family member get?
- How much money was put back in the jar?
- If there were 28 pennies in the jar in August, would there be pennies to put back in the jar for September? Explain.
- If there were 42 pennies in the jar in September, would there be pennies to put back in the jar? Explain.

Your family decides to save coins in a money jar and divide them evenly among the members of your family each month. One month your family finds 36 dimes in the jar. How much money will each member of your family get? How much money will be left over? Write number sentences to show your solution to the problem. You can solve this problem at home using counters such as beans, checkers, or coins.

Use the Addition Strategies Menu and the Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.