1. If the drop height were 0 cm, what would the bounce height be?
    2. Put this point on your graphs.
  1. Describe your graphs. Do the points lie close to a straight line? If so, use a ruler to draw best-fit lines.
  2. Suppose you drop your tennis ball from 60 cm.
    1. Use your graph to predict how high it will bounce. D = 60 cm, predicted B = ? Show your work using dotted lines on your graph.
    2. Did you use interpolation or extrapolation to find your answer?
    3. Check your prediction by dropping the tennis ball from 60 cm. What is the actual bounce height? D = 60 cm, actual B = ?
    4. Is your prediction close to the actual bounce height? Explain.
  3. Suppose you want your tennis ball to bounce 75 cm.
    1. From what height should you drop it? B = 75 cm, predicted D = ?
    2. Did you use interpolation or extrapolation to find your answer?
    3. Check your prediction by dropping the tennis ball from your predicted drop height. What is the actual bounce height?
    4. Was the actual bounce height close to 75 cm?
  4. Suppose you drop your tennis ball from 180 cm.
    1. Predict the bounce height. D = 180 cm, predicted B = ? (If D = 180 cm is not on your graph, use a different strategy to answer this question.)
    2. How did you make your prediction?
    3. Check your prediction by dropping the tennis ball from 180 cm. What is the actual bounce height? D = 180 cm, actual B = ?
    4. Is your prediction close to the actual bounce height?
    1. Look at your data table for the tennis ball. Do you see a pattern in the ordered pairs? If so, describe it. (Hint: If you know the Drop Height (D), what can you predict for the Bounce Height (B)?)
    2. Look at your predictions in Questions 8A, 9A, and 10A. Do they follow any pattern you described in Question 11A?