Use Sharon and Domingo's Data

Complete Questions 1–7 after reading the first part of the story Two Heads Are Better Than One.

  1. Here is Domingo and Sharon's data. Fill in the ordered pairs. Graph the data on the Graph Paper for Sharon and Domingo's Data in the Student Activity Book.
    1. If Sharon “drops” the ball from 0 cm, will it bounce at all? That is, if D = 0 cm, B =          ?         . Add this point to the graph.
    2. If the points lie close to a line, use a ruler to draw a best-fit line on your graph.
  2. Look at Domingo and Sharon's data table in Question 1. What patterns do you see in the table?
  3. Did Sharon and Domingo use the mean or median to average their data? Show or tell how you know.
  4. Use your graph to predict the bounce height if the drop height is 60 cm. Show your work on the graph.
  5. Use your graph to predict the bounce height if the drop height is 160 cm. Show your work on the graph.
  6. Compare your prediction to the predictions made by Sharon and Domingo in the story.

Continue reading the story.