Compare Sharon's and Domingo's Graphs

Use Sharon's graph and Domingo's graph from the story to answer Questions 8–12.

    1. Look at Sharon's graph. Predict the bounce height if the drop height were 180 cm.
    2. Make the same prediction using Domingo's graph.
    3. What is the difference between the two predictions?
    1. Using Sharon's graph, predict the bounce height if the drop height is 200 cm.
    2. Using Domingo's graph, predict the bounce height if the drop height is 200 cm.
    3. What is the difference between these predictions?
    4. Using Sharon's graph, predict the bounce height if the drop height is 220 cm.
    5. Using Domingo's graph, predict the bounce height if the drop height is 220 cm.
    6. What is the difference between these predictions?
  1. As you predict bounce heights using higher drop heights, what is happening to the difference between Sharon's and Domingo's predictions?
  2. Compare Sharon's graph with Domingo's graph.
    1. How are the graphs alike?
    2. How are they different?
  3. What can you tell Domingo about scaling his graph?

Finish reading the story to see if Sharon and Domingo can find out why their predictions are different.