1. Use your graph to predict the mass of the sandwich after your sixth bite. Write down your prediction.
    2. Check your prediction by collecting data for 6 bites. Is your prediction close to the actual mass?
  1. Look at your data table and graph to answer these questions.
    1. Look down the columns on your data table. Does the number of bites increase or decrease? Describe any pattern you see.
    2. Does the mass increase or decrease? Describe any pattern you see.
    3. Use your graph to answer the following question: How much does the mass change each time you take one bite?
    4. Estimate the mass of one bite. Show or tell how you made your estimate.
    1. Predict how many bites it would take for you to eat your entire sandwich. Show or tell how you made your prediction.
    2. Finish your sandwich and check your prediction.
  1. Plot your partner's data on your graph. Compare your graph and data with your partner's. How are they the same? How are they different?
    1. Who has a bigger bite size, you or your partner?
    2. Which student had the larger sandwich?
  2. Two students' lines for the experiment are shown below. Tell a story for this graph. Include in your story which student had the sandwich with the most mass and which student took bigger bites.