Check-In: Questions 9–11

  1. Solve the following problems using Shannon's expanded-form method.
    1. 70 92
    2. 27 86
    1. Solve Question 9B using a different method.
    2. Solve Question 9C using a different method.
  2. Michael solved 68 53 using expanded form:
    1. Check Michael's answer by solving the problem using the rectangle method.
    2. What mistake did Michael make in solving the problem? Use your rectangle to help explain your answer.

Solve the following problems. Use Half-Centimeter Grid Paper like Michael or draw shorthand sketches like Roberto when using the rectangle method.

  1. Solve the following problems using Michael's method of breaking the numbers into tens and ones. Sketch rectangles to show your work.
    1. 46 32
    2. 87 55
    3. 92 18
    4. 20 42
    1. Solve 25 41 by using the expanded-form method.
    2. Solve 25 41 using one of the methods on the Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu in the Reference section.
  2. Solve the following problems using the expanded-form method.
    1. 76 36
    2. 90 23
    3. 56 56
  3. Solve the problems in Question 3 using a different method.