Tanya's Compact Method

Tanya said she could use the compact method to solve the problem 54  33.

Step 1. Tanya multiplied 3  4 = 12. She put a 2 in the ones column and a 1 above the tens column as a reminder to add the 1 ten (or 10) in the next step. She then multiplied 3  50 = 150. She added the 10 to get 160 altogether. Tanya wrote a 6 in the tens column and a 1 in the hundreds column. She did not carry the 1 hundred since she finished multiplying for the first row.

Step 2. Tanya then multiplied 30  4 = 120. She put a 0 in the ones column and a 2 in the tens column in the second row. She put a 1 above the problem as a reminder to add 1 hundred in the next step. She crossed out the 1 above the problem from the last step since she had taken care of it.

Step 3. Then Tanya multiplied 30  50 = 1500. She added the 100 from the reminder to 1500 and got 1600. She put a 6 in the hundreds column and a 1 in the thousands column. She did not have to carry the 1 thousand because she had no more partial products to compute. She added the numbers from each row and found the product 54  33 = 1782 tiles.

  1. Look back and study Frank's method in Question 15. How is Frank's method like Tanya's? How are the methods different?