1. Nicholas and Michael are playing Factor 100. Nicholas is the first player. He wants to choose either 84 or 92 as his first move.
    1. Find all the factors of both 84 and 92.
    2. Which number is a better move for Nicholas?
    3. Explain your answer.
  2. Edward and Nila are playing Factor 100. Nila is the first player. She chooses 72 as her first move. Edward marks 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 24. He recorded 47 points.
    1. Did Edward mark all the possible factors of 72? If not, what other numbers could he mark?
    2. If Edward marks all the possible factors, how many points will he earn?
  3. List all the factors of the following numbers.
    1. 31
    2. 56
    3. 63
    4. 67
    5. 100
  4. Which of the numbers in Question 7 are prime? How do you know?
  5. Which of the numbers in Question 7 are composite? How do you know?