1. Which number(s) on a blank Factor 40 Game Board has the most factors? What are the factors?
  2. Which numbers on a blank Factor 40 Game Board are prime numbers?
  3. Which numbers on a Factor 40 Game Board are composite numbers?
  4. Write a list of strategies you learned for playing Factor 40. For each strategy on your list, explain the following:
    1. Why does the strategy work?
    2. When does the strategy work? When does it not work?
  5. Use your list and what you have learned as you play another game of Factor 40. See if your list helps you as you choose your moves.
  1. Play Factor 20 and Factor 40 with a family member or friend at home. Remember to bring the game board pages from the Student Activity Book home to play the game.

Complete the following questions. You can use a calculator to help you find factors.

  1. Irma and Jackie are playing Factor 40 in class. Jackie is the first player. She chooses 27 as her first number.
    1. What are the factors of 27 that Irma can mark?
    2. How many points will Irma earn for these factors?
  2. Felicia and Jessie designed a Factor 100 Game Board. Factor 100 has the same rules as Factor 20 and Factor 40. It includes the numbers 1 to 100. Felicia is the first player. She chooses 40 as her first number.
    1. What are the factors of 40 that Jessie can mark?
    2. How many points will Jessie earn for these factors?
  3. Romesh and David are playing Factor 100. David is the first player. He chooses 76 as his first move.
    1. What factors of 76 can Romesh mark?
    2. How many points will Romesh earn for these factors?