bar graph
A graph that uses bars to show data. (See also graph.)

base-ten hoppers
A hopper that can make hops with distances of one, ten, and one hundred on number lines. Base-ten hoppers can go forward (addition) or backward (subtraction). (See also math hopper.)

base-ten pieces
A set of blocks used to model our number system. Note that a skinny is made of 10 bits, a flat is made of 100 bits, and a pack is made of 1000 bits.

base-ten shorthand
A picture drawn to represent the base-ten pieces. (See also base-ten pieces.)

Numbers convenient for comparing and ordering numbers. For example, 0, 50, and 100 are convenient benchmarks for comparing whole numbers. (See also benchmark numbers and friendly numbers.)
benchmark numbers
Numbers that are used to compare to when estimating or rounding. (See also benchmark and friendly numbers.)
The smallest of the base-ten pieces that is often used to represent 1. (See also base-ten pieces.)