- For each part of the Franklin family listed below, write a fraction in words and as a number.
- family members who are children
- family members whose first name begins with F
- family members who are wearing glasses
- For each fraction listed below, describe a part of the Franklin family. Do not use the descriptions in Question 1. Find something different.
- 2 out of 6
- Ben drew a picture of the flavors of yogurt he found in the refrigerator.
- What fraction of the yogurt is banana?
- What fraction of the yogurt is cherry?
- What fraction of the yogurt is strawberry?
- Draw a picture of the people in your family. Then write several fractions for parts of your family. Explain each fraction. For example, if you live with your mother and two younger sisters, you can write for the fraction of your family that is grown up: one of the four people in your family is an adult.
- Draw a picture of some objects around your home. Then write some fractions for parts of the group. Explain each fraction. For example, suppose you have four cans of soup—three tomato and one chicken noodle. You could write for the fraction of the cans that are tomato.