1. Cover the red circle with two different colors. How many of each color does it take?
    2. Solve this problem a second way.
  1. Make the shape below using pieces that are the same color. What color did you use? How many pieces?
  1. Make the shape in Question 9 with the least number of pieces possible. What colors did you use? How many of each color?

Naming Fractions

If the red circle is the unit whole, a pink piece covers one-half of the circle.
We write to show that the circle is divided into 2 equal parts and that
1 of the parts is covered.

Three yellows cover three-fourths of the circle. We write to show
that the circle is divided into 4 equal parts and that 3 of the four
parts are covered.

  1. The red circle is the unit whole.
    1. What piece is one-half?
    2. What piece is one-fourth?
    3. What piece is one-eighth?
    4. We can write for three blues. Show this fraction with pieces.