What Is 1?
The fraction one-half can be big or small, depending on the size of the whole. Half of a personal pizza is not the same as half of an extra-large pizza. Half of a pie for 50¢ is not the same as half of a cupcake for 50¢.
Check-In: Questions 16–20
Use your fraction circle pieces to answer the following questions.
- What is the unit whole:
- if the pink piece is one-half?
- if the yellow piece is one-half?
- if the blue piece is one-half?
- What is the unit whole:
- if the yellow piece is one-fourth?
- if the blue piece is one-fourth?
- What is the unit whole if the blue piece is one-eighth?
- What is the unit whole:
- if three yellow pieces are three-fourths?
- if three blue pieces are three-fourths?
- Josh said, “In class, we have called the pink, yellow, and blue pieces one-half. How is that possible?” Explain how all of these pieces can show one-half of a whole.
Use the Fractions in Shapes pages in the Student Activity Book to show and name fractions.