1. Rhonda and Joe decided to find their total using paper-and-pencil methods instead of showing their work with base-ten pieces. Rhonda used the expanded form method.
    1. Look at Rhonda's work. Is she correct that 946 = 900 + 40 + 6?
    2. Why did Rhonda write 1800 + 100 + 12 in her answer?
    3. Explain how she got each number.
    4. Can you explain how Rhonda got 1900 + 12 and then 1912?
  2. Solve these problems using Rhonda's method, the expanded-form method.
    1. 68 + 73
    2. 386 + 92
    3. 519 + 368
    4. 1254 + 3168
  3. Joe used the all-partials paper-and-pencil method to find the number of candies Rhonda and Joe had altogether.
    1. Look at the steps in Joe's work. Can you explain why Joe wrote 12? Why did he write 100? Where did the 1800 come from?
    2. Can you tell how the steps in Joe's work are like Rhonda's method? What is the same? What is different?
  4. Solve these problems using Joe's method, the all-partials paper-and-pencil method.
    1. 37 + 84
    2. 85 + 243
    3. 662 + 219
    4. 2579 + 4366