Check-In: Questions 9–11

  1. Ming solved 36 4 like this:
    1. Why did Ming write a 4 in the ones place in the answer?
    2. What does the little 2 above the 36 represent?
    3. How did Ming know to write 14 in the answer with the 4 in the tens place?
  2. Solve each of the following problems in two different ways. Be ready to tell how you solved them.
    1. Show or tell how you can solve one of the problems in Question 8 using mental math.
    2. Show or tell how how you can solve one of the problems in Question 10 using mental math.
  1. Solve the following problems using the all-partials method.
  2. Grace solved 36 7 as shown here. Is Grace correct? If not, how would you help Grace?
  3. Solve the following problems using the compact method.
  4. Choose one problem from Question 1 and one from Question 3 to solve using mental math. Show or tell what you thought in your head and any notes you wrote.