1. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Rhonda and Joe were very busy and did not have time to compute their totals for the day. Help Rhonda and Joe compute their totals.
  2. Soup Labels per Day
    1. How much candy was made on Monday?
    2. How much candy was made on Tuesday?
    3. Show or tell how you can use mental math to find the amount of candy made on Tuesday.
    4. How much candy was made on Wednesday?
    5. Estimate about how much candy Rhonda made on all three days together.
    6. Estimate about how much candy Joe made on all three days.
    7. Estimate about how much candy Rhonda and Joe made altogether on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
  3. Solve the following problems. Use any method you wish.
  4. Choose a problem from Question 4 to solve using a mental math strategy. Compare your solutions.
  5. Replace n with a number to make each number sentence a true statement. The first is an example.
  6. Ex.   40 + 16 = n + 6 n = 50
    1. 200 + n + 19 = 200 + 60 + 9
    2. n + 23 = 50 + 13
    3. 100 + 38 = 100 + n + 8
    4. 300 + 30 + n = 300 + 54
    5. 90 + n = 100 + 20 + 7