At the next step, Joe broke up his only pack so that he had 11 flats. Joe found that there were 778 pieces of candy left in the store.

For problems 2–5:

  1. Use base-ten pieces or base-ten shorthand to solve the problem.
  2. Then, do the problem using paper and pencil.
  1. There were 578 pieces of candy in the store (5 flats, 7 skinnies, and 8 bits). The store sold 349 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy were left?
  2. Another day there were 4443 pieces of candy, and 1718 of them were sold. How many pieces of candy were left?
  3. There are 2079 Chocos. How many more need to be made so the store has 4850 Chocos?
  4. There are 5204 Chocos. A customer came in and bought 565. Another customer came in and wanted to buy 4859 pieces of candy. Was there enough candy in the store so that he could buy that much?

Solve the following problems using paper and pencil.