Using Expanded Form

“One way we showed our work when we added was to use expanded form,” said Rhonda. “We can use expanded form to show subtraction too.”

Rhonda's solution:

    1. Look at Rhonda's work. Is she correct that 267 = 200 + 60 + 7? How do you know?
    2. Why did Rhonda write 100 + 20 + 3 in her answer? Explain how she got each number.

John solved a problem that had trades:

    1. Look at John's work. Is he correct that 356 = 300 + 50 + 6? How do you know?
    2. Why did John change 300 + 50 + 6 to 200 + 140 + 16?
    3. Is he correct that 356 = 200 + 140 + 16? How do you know?
    4. Why did John write 100 + 60 + 9? Explain how he got each number.
  1. Solve these problems using expanded form: